torsdag 20. desember 2007

Storbritannia:Sjåfører+mobiltelefon=risikerer 2 års fengsel

Drivers who use mobile phones and Satnavs face TWO YEARS in jail

Charges will be brought wherever prosecutors say using equipment - like a mobile phone - poses a danger

Danger: Fiddling with your sat-nav at the wheel could lead to a prison sentence
Motorists who use a hand-held mobile phone or fiddle with a sat-nav could be jailed for two years under new rules being issued by the Crown Prosecution Service today.

Charges will be brought wherever prosecutors say using equipment - including devices such as the iPod - poses a danger. Prosecutors say such actions could force a car to swerve or a distracted motorist jumping a red light.

Those who kill while using a mobile face 14 years behind bars, under a charge of causing death by dangerous driving. In extreme cases they could be charged with manslaughter for which a life term can be imposed. A new offence of causing death by careless driving is to be created under the Road Safety Act.

Dette er strenge lover -men et helt riktig skritt for å minske på alle de meningsløse drapene som skjer på veiene.

Read more: The Daily Mail - Drivers who use mobile phones and Satnavs face TWO YEARS in jail

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