tirsdag 18. desember 2007

Sognsvann, Oslo Norway - noen fakta

Sognsvannet idag -ligger badet i et fantastisk vinterdrakt. Golden retriveren, Casper ses til venstre på bildet. Foto:Geirr Tangstad-Holdal Sony Ericsson K800i

Nedbørnormaler for Oslo i perioden 1961 - 1990
Sted h.o.h. jan feb mar apr mai jun jul aug sep okt nov des år
Sognsvannet 195 62 43 57 52 64 78 98 105 107 101 90 68 925

Short English verson
It takes fifteen minutes for T-bane #3 to reach its northerly Sognsvann terminus from central Oslo. It's not as pleasant a journey as the T-bane to Frognerseteren – the landscape is flatter and you never really leave the city behind – but from the Sognsvann T-bane station, it's just five minutes' walk straight ahead down the slope to Sognsvannet, an attractive loch flanked by forested hills and encircled by an easy 4km-long hiking trail. The lake is iced over until the end of March or early April, but thereafter it's a perfect spot for swimming, though Norwegian assurances about the warmth of the water should be treated with caution. Forest footpaths link Sognsvannet with Frognerseteren.

Read more: Sognsvann - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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